Round examples

EdUGames Round Examples
Copyright © 2005 by Pete Antoniak

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The following are examples of Rounds. The capital A, B and M after the number indicate the Game Type.  A description of each can be found in EdUGames Game Screen List.  The first 14 comma delimited fields are administrative in nature. The remainder are the specific question material formatted specific to the Game Type.

0001107,Aen1107,EdUGames® © 1998 by P. Antoniak,A271615921316,DCL1,ThHuBo,12 ScBiHu,A,,Canine tooth,141 aPRA1 110;iPRA1 10;yPRA1 15;zPRA1 6;,7 }P-HBdyTee1.DEG 7,,,Which is the Canine tooth?,^DCL1 53012,}P-HBdyTee1.DEG,{B-R2021031,{B-W6070103,{B-W0080060

0001571,Ben1571,EdUGames® © 1997 by P. Antoniak,A273422511615,,PeLePoTo,11 ScPo,USP,NoUS,Republicans;president;political party,120 aPRA1 70;dPRA1 35;yPRA1 15;,67 }P-USPres_1.XNK 67,,,Which seven are Republicans?,,}P-USPres_1.XNK,Grid 4 4 2 3 5 6 9 13 14

0000014,Men14,EdUGames® © 1998 by P. Antoniak,A272596983248,DCL0 DCL1,PeArAu ThWr,12 LiAu,L&A,,Author;Writing,807 aPRA1 792;yPRA1 15;,0,,,Pair the Author with the Writing.,^DCL0,6 3 16 25 ,Continuous,8Plutarch;Plutarch’s Lives;^DCL1 101143,7Willa Cather;My Antonia;^DCL1 115063,4Samuel Beckett;Waiting For Godot;^DCL1 085012,1Hans Christian Anderson;The Emperor’s New Clothes;^DCL1 083073,9W.E.B. Du Bois;The Souls of Black Folk;^DCL1 264083,7Thomas Paine;Common Sense;^DCL1 250103,4Dante Alighieri;The Devine Comedy;^DCL1 088133,6Noah Webster;American Dictionary of the English Language;^DCL1 257033,3Harriet Beecher Stowe;Uncle Tom’s Cabin;^DCL1 134013,1O. Henry;The Gift of the Magi;^DCL1 121082,6James Fenimore Cooper;The Last of the Mohicans;^DCL1 116063,7Aldous Huxley;Brave New World;^DCL1 122103,6Dale Carnegie;How to Win Friends and Influence People;^DCL1 394073,6Cervantes;Don Quixote;^DCL1 086103,5Eugene O’Neill;A Long Day’s Journey into Night ;^DCL1 128103,6James Boswell;Life of Samuel Johnson;^DCL1 114042,6Virginia Woolf;To the Lighthouse;^DCL1 138083,9Desiderius Erasmus;The Praise of Folly;^DCL1 193123,9Alexis de Tocqueville;Democracy in America;^DCL1 253123,1H. G. Wells;The War of the Worlds;^DCL1 137133,6William Blake;Songs of Innocence;^DCL1 114023,7Leo Tolstoy;War and Peace;^DCL1 108023,3Anne Frank;The Diary of a Young Girl;^DCL1 212082,6Henry James;The Turn of the Screw;^DCL1 123113,5Joseph Conrad;Heart of Darkness;^DCL1 116053,2Walt Whitman;Leaves of Grass;^DCL1 138013,2Agatha Christie;The Mousetrap;^DCL1 115103,7Henry Fielding;Tom Jones;^DCL1 119133,1Ernest Hemingway;A Farewell to Arms;^DCL1 121073,5D. H. Lawrence;Sons and Lovers;^DCL1 124123,