Place Objects In Order

In Game O, players move multiple text blocks on the left of the screen and places them in in their proper order on the right. The blocks might contain lines of poetry, historical events, or numeric values. A unique scoring system awards depth of knowledge and risk taking. Placement of the blocks are not evaluated until the player clicks on the Check button to the lop left of the screen. The point award displayed just below it starts at 0 and increases as the power of the number of items moved to the right. If all of the items recently moved are correct, the point award is added to the player’s score, the point award is reset to 0 and the player my continue. However, If any recently moved item is out of order, ALL the recently moved items are returned to the left and the player looses his/her turn. The program does not tell the players which ones were incorrect.

In the image below, the players are challenged to place the five stages of grief into their proper order. It’s peter’s turn and because he has not yet moved any items, the potential score is at 0.

In the image below, Peter has moved 4 items to the right and the potential point award stands at 52 points, if no item is out of order. {Note: The first item should be Denial, is out of order]

In the image below, Peter had check the Check button and because as item was out or order, lost his turn and did not get any points. The items he had moved to the right were reset to the left and Paul has moved three items to the right for a potential score of 23 points.

In the image below, Paul has check the Check button, was awarded 23 points, and the potential points reset to 0. It is still his turn.

In the image below, Paul has moved two more items correctly to the right, checked the Check button and was awarded an additional 7 points to bring his score to 30. It is important to note that Paul correctly placed all the items and was only awarded 30 points, not 100 points. This is because he moved the items in two separated plays, checking his progress twice. If he had moved them all in one play, he would have been awarded 100 points, but if any one item was out of order, he would have been awarded nothing. If he had elected to check his progress after each of 5 moves, the max award would have been only 5 points.

Notes to Authors: Other examples of the type of material that can be used on Game O are reassembling famous speeches, the Preamble to the Constitution, the second verse to the Star Spangled Banner, Bible verse, famous songs, the order of countries, states or cities from north to south or east to west, the size of things, the ranks in the military. Anything that has an attribute of order or magnitude can be played on this screen.