
In Game H, players are challenged to answer a question with the least possible number of hints. Each player’s answer is hidden after it is selected. The question and the hints may involve text, picture, sound, music or video clips. The player that answers the question correctly using the fewest hints wins. All the players decide on when to go for another hint. A player may elect to answer the question at any time, and is then out of the play until the last player answers the question. When a player is ready to answer the question he should click on his button at the top of the screen.

In the image below, the players are asked to identify the famous son of Yorba Linda.  The Round is worth 100 points and any player may elect the answer the question now if he wants.  However, non elect to.

In the next image, the players have decided to go for a hint twice.  The hints are word hints and are displayed in the middle of the screen.  Note that the points decrease with each hint and are now at 84 points.

In the next image, the players have decided to go for another hint, which is a sound byte represented by the sound button to the right of the text hints.  When pressed, it says “Well, I am not a crook.”.

Recongnizing the voice, Mary decides to choose an answer and asks the other players to look away while she presses her name and when the Alpha Bar is displayed, the letter “N”. She selects Nixon-Richard from the dialog box that appears and is not out of the play. The other two players continue.

Note in the next image, that Mary’s button is not longer showing. The players decide to go for another hint and the image of President Nixon appears to the right of the sound button.

Peter, and then Paul select Nixon, but the winner is Mary who got it right with the least number of hints.

Note To Authors: Game H is the most complex of all the games. It can use all the multimedia aspects of EdUGames and allows each player to make that mental leap to the right answer at his or her own level of understanding. Notice in the above example that each player did correctly get the answer, and were rewarded with that fact, but not the points. Mary could have gotten it wrong and Peter, or Paul would have been the winner. This is the type of game that lends itself to a lot of creative thinking on the part of the Round Author.